Why are cost functions often assumed to be convex in microeconomics? ; Multiselect features. The most talked about new feature of version 3 of Vue is the composition API. Vue 3 aims to solve the existing limitations of Vue 2. How to differentiate "slow" VS "slowly" both as adverbs. As a result, the only remaining use case for functional components is simple components, such as a component to create a dynamic heading. But if you have a small application, don't want a state manager, or simply want to take full advantage of the composition API, then my suggestion would be to at least do something of this pattern. Remove extra space when creating a tag with space, Fixed issues around refreshing async options, Fix for unintended side effect on space when using single mode, Recursion error when accessing value inside computed options, Set initial value when options are loaded later, Fixed: Selected items’ label update when options label change, Added addTagOn that can enable enter and/or space key to create a tag, Added required prop that renders a HTML5 required attribute on a fake input next to multiselect, Added showOptions prop that hide options list if somebody wants to have only a free-type tag list, Added Clear button for multiple and tags mode, Hide options when resolving with clearOnSearch true, Added refreshOptions method to refresh async options, Select first option after async search fix, Update options when :options property changes, Breaking: renamed hideSelectedTag to hideSelected. In the template above, you’ll see that we can access this value on the component instance, just like with data. option: [‘v1′,’v2’] used to be equal to {0: ‘v1’, 1: ‘v2’}, now they’re equal to {v1: ‘v1’, v2: ‘v2’}.